A Farmer met a lonely pig along the road and asked him,
"Who are you?"
said the pig,
"I am the last of the Gadarene swine. I stopped to ask where we were going; I survived."

Monday, February 9, 2015

Why God? Why do we refuse to believe?

2 Peter 1:16, " when we gave you news of the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our teaching was not based on stories put together by art, but we were eye-witnesses of his glory." So why don't we hear from the funnies about this verse? How do they explain paraousia here?

Monday, April 15, 2013


"Let Cornelius with the Swine bless God, which purifyeth all things for the poor."
---"Jubilate Agno"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why I am not a Liberal...

Liberalism regards the love of God as immediate, and so there is nothing more to see in Jesus of Nazareth, for if the love of God we preach is natural, there is no need of Christ, he "died to no purpose." The essence of Liberalism is not only a world of humanism, i.e., Mann as the center of all that is, it is therefore not only a denial of God, but therefore a negation of the pain of God, an ideal world which neither has, nor does, nor ever will exist, an illusion, The Great politically correct Lie. Only in the Cross can we see the eternal Love of God manifested; only "taking up that [deadly] Cross" can one know Love. I am reading the best book in years, Kazoh Kitamori's "Theology of the Pain of God." Soul-blowing in Love!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good and Evil

I think evil is always small, and that good is infinite. Evil closes itself to God and thus becomes even smaller; Good opens itself to God and thus becomes infinite. Evil cannot become so large as to fill even the universe. God became so small that He could fill Hell and then burst it asunder because it could not contain Him. Every good deed will have eternal remembrance, but even the largest deeds of the evil will be forgotten.  --from fatherstephen.wordpress.com

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Disappointment of Religion by Fr. Stephen (excerpt)

[Our] cultural reality makes it very difficult to speak of authentic Christian experience – for we speak to one another as addicts. We largely knowexperience as an alcoholic knows alcohol. That an alcoholic might prefer vodka to wine tells me nothing about vodka or wine. Religious experience tells me almost nothing about God, the Church, truth, etc. It is God, the Church, truth, etc., viewed through the fog of distorted modern perception.

I do hope you will read the entire post on Fr. Stephen's Blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Cross of Jesus

The cross of Jesus is the radical condemnation of an unjust world (Gal 6,14). There is no escape from the cross, you have to stay with the one crucified on it or stand with the crucifiers, there is no middle way. All that God values is hated and killed by the world. What the world esteems, God abhors. Through Jesus, God offers the world equality, solidarity and mutual help, freedom, love, and happiness with God as its king and father. But domination, violence, injustice, the religious and civil power, the ruling class and the people seeking their security in institutions, hate life and give death. They prefer Caesar for king (Jn 19:15). --Juan Mateos, S.J. This quote has haunted me for decades. And as far as I can see, it is true: there is no middle way.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Christ is Risen!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! "

And all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." 

I pass on to you the Peace, and Joy and the Love known through Christ Jesus, to you all.....ALL! You are in my thanksgivings for your being a part of my life.

"ALL is Grace."