A Farmer met a lonely pig along the road and asked him,
"Who are you?"
said the pig,
"I am the last of the Gadarene swine. I stopped to ask where we were going; I survived."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good and Evil

I think evil is always small, and that good is infinite. Evil closes itself to God and thus becomes even smaller; Good opens itself to God and thus becomes infinite. Evil cannot become so large as to fill even the universe. God became so small that He could fill Hell and then burst it asunder because it could not contain Him. Every good deed will have eternal remembrance, but even the largest deeds of the evil will be forgotten.  --from fatherstephen.wordpress.com

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Disappointment of Religion by Fr. Stephen (excerpt)

[Our] cultural reality makes it very difficult to speak of authentic Christian experience – for we speak to one another as addicts. We largely knowexperience as an alcoholic knows alcohol. That an alcoholic might prefer vodka to wine tells me nothing about vodka or wine. Religious experience tells me almost nothing about God, the Church, truth, etc. It is God, the Church, truth, etc., viewed through the fog of distorted modern perception.

I do hope you will read the entire post on Fr. Stephen's Blog